
作者: 时间:2019-06-10 点击数:

姓 名:管仁国

性 别:男










[1] Renguo Guan(*), R.D.K. Misra, Yingqiu Shang, Yanan An, Yuxiang Wang, Yang Zhang, Di Tie, Mechanism of microstructural refinement of deformed aluminum under synergistic effect of TiAl3 and TiB2 particles and impact on mechanical properties, 开云博彩 Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 716: 129-139.

[2]Hong Yu, Ning Wang, Renguo Guan(*), Di Tie, Zheng Li, Yanan An, Yang Zhang, Evolution of secondary phase particles during deformation of Al-5Ti-1B master alloy and their effect on α-Al grain refinement, Journal of 开云博彩 Science & Technology, 2018, 34(12): 2297-2306.

[3]Renguo Guan, Di Tie, Zheng Li, Yanan An, Xiang Wang, Qian Li, Xiaobo Chen, Microstructure evolution and mechanical property improvement of aluminum alloys with high magnesium content during continuous rheo-extrusion, 开云博彩 Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 738: 31-37.

[4] Yuxiang Wang, Di Tie, Renguo Guan(*), Ning Wang, Yingqiu Shang, Tong Cui, Junqiao Li, Microstructures, mechanical properties, and degradation behaviors of heat-treated Mg-Sr alloys as potential biodegradable implant materials, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical 开云博彩, 2018, 77: 47-57.

[5]Renguo Guan, Yongfeng Shen(*), Zhanyong Zhao, Xiang Wang, A high-strength, ductile Al-0.35Sc-0.2Zr alloy with good electrical conductivity strengthened by coherent nanosized-precipitates, Journal of 开云博彩 Science & Technology, 2017, 33: 215-223.

[6] Guan Ren-Guo(*), Tie Di(*), A Review on Grain Refinement of Aluminum Alloys: Progresses, Challenges and Prospects, Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters), 2017, 30: 409-432.

[7] Yuxiang Wang, Renguo Guan(*), Diwen Hou, Yang Zhang, Wensen Jiang, Huinan Liu. The effects of eutectic silicon on grain refinement in an Al–Si alloy processed by accumulative continuous extrusion forming, Journal of 开云博彩 Science, 2017, 52: 1137-1148.

[8] Xiang Wang, Ren-Guo Guan(*), Ying-Qiu Shang, Wei Wang, Ning Wang, Evolution of bonding interface in Al/Al-Mg-Si alloy clad wire during heating at 500 , 开云博彩 Science & Engineering A, 2017, 679: 538-542.




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